from The New Hampshire Patriot, 21 July 1875,
The Lawrence Riot

One of the results of the disgraceful attack upon the Orangemen at Lawrence, Mass., has been the demanding of the resignation of City Marshall Currier by Mayor Tewksbury, on account of his cowardice and inefficiency, and on Tuesday he verbally tendered it, in accordance with the demand, at about half-past seven in the evening. The aldermen met at 8 o'clock, and at once went into executive session.

The marshall's resignation was unanimously accepted, and at half-past 8 a ripple of excitement was caused in the waiting crowd of outsiders by witnessing the entrance of the messenger, accompanied by Col. Chase Philbrick, and when it was subsequently learned that this gentleman had been tendered and had accepte3d the marshalship, there was a joyous feeling. The news soon spread to the streets, and the expression of satisfaction on learning that "Old Phil was marshal again," was general and satisfactory.

Chase Philbrick was first elected marshal in 1864, serving continuously till 1870, when he was re-elected in 1871, and served till 1873, when the political whirligig vcaused his removal. He next appeared on the STate police and in a brief time was known as one of its most efficient officers. Philbrick was made deputy sheriff at the beginning of this year. The salary of the city marshall is $1650 per annum.

The only event of today, in connection with the riot of Monday, was an assault upon J. H. Spinlow, master of the Orange lodge, as he was riding past the corner of Beech and Union streets. Large stones were thrown from a liquor saloon, one of them striking and breaking the woodwork of his buggy. No arrests have been made. Some fear is expressed that the Orangemen who used their revolvers may have future and serious trouble.