from The Webster Times, 26 Oct 1934, (Vol. 1, '82 )

Two Members Present
Only Survivors of the Civil War

The 1343d meeting of ‘Nathaniel Lyon Post’, G. A. R., was held Thursday afternoon in G. A. R. hall, with an attendance that represented 100 per cent of the membership: Elias B. Wakefield and Christian Holley. There two men comprise the entire membership of the post, one representing Webster and the other Dudley.

The annual meeting was held and Elias B. Wakefield was elected commander and quartermaster; Christian Holley, adjutant and officer of the day. All the other offices were left vacant, but they will be taken care of by Charles M. Leavens, secretary and silent partner of the veterans, who has conducted the business of the post for several years. Mr. Leavens transacts all the detail work, with the approval of the two members, and has had charge of this job for several years.

The date of installation of officers has been set for Nov. 15, but this is subject to change on very short notice, depending on the health of the two men who now comprise the post. If the day is fine and their health is good, an automobile will call at the homes and convey them to the hall for the installation ceremonies on that day.

The beautiful autumn day of Thursday provided the opportunity for the annual meeting, and both men were able to attend. The health of Mr. Holley is much better than that of his comrade, Mr. Wakefield, who is the last surviving member of the Slater Guards, a company formed by young men of this town in 1861.