from The Southbridge Journal, March 7, 1862 , (Volume 2 # 3), 
Army News

Headquarters, Camp Foster
Poolesville, Febuary 22d, 1862

Mr. Editor:  Although the broad daylight of Washington’s birthday came glimmering through a heavy shower of rain, at this hour, eight o’clock, the clouds are fast disappearing from the heavens.  The morning was ushered in by our battery firing a salute, and guard mount took place as usual.

At nine o’clock we received a telegraphic dispatch which was read to the guard, announcing that Clarksville had been taken; that General Johnson was willing to give up Nashville if we would respect private property.  It was received with three rousing cheers, and the news of the recent victories won are received with cheer upon cheer.  It makes the boys joyful and to put on pleasant countenances  all around.

Capt. Joslin and Lt. Bartlett are on their way to the east, to visit their friends.  We hope they will be received in a suitable manner by our friends in the good old Bay State .  Colonel Devens has given us ten dollars to celebrate this day with.  Thanks to him.  This is the third time we have received a similar present from him.

We still have plenty of mud to travel in.  But the victories in the west seem to indicate that we shall not stay here much longer.  The glorious victories which our brother soldiers have achieved down in rebeldom has made the past week a happy and pleasant one to us.  Company C has taken possession of Harrison Island again.

Slater Guards


15th Massachusetts VI