from The Webster Times, September 20, 1862 (Volume IV # 28), 

Just as we go to press the telegraph brings intelligence of the results of the terrible battle of Wednesday last, in which this regiment suffered greatly. They went into the engagement 600 strong, and came out with but one hundred and thirty four. Lieut. Frank S. Corbin is the only one from this place reported killed, but those wounded are numerous. As but a fraction of the last are reported anyway, we fear that the hearts of many in this village are soon to be made sad at the loss of near ones on that terrible day. Full particulars will doubtless appear in the daily papers within a day or two, until which time we can only make up our minds for the worst. The following wounded from this village, in Co. I, are thus far reported:

Capt Joslin, slightly; Capt. Amos Bartlett, (now of Co. H. in the left breast); privates A. H. Slater and M.(sic) Parmenter. (i.e. Edwin Parmenter)


15th Massachusetts VI