from The Worcester Spy, May 25, 1864, (Volume 93 # 21), 
Virginia, Georgia

The relative position of the two armies in Virginia remains unchanged. The attack upon the left of Gen. Lee’s lines, Wednesday morning exposed the existence of formidable works too strong to be carried by assault, the attack lasted two hours and was then abandoned. In this assault the 57th regiment participated, as it has in nearly all the battles of note since it took the field. It is spoken of in the dispatches with high praise. With the exception of a movement of the rebels on Grant’s left, which was repulsed, all was quiet till Thursday night

Ewell’s corps then made an unsuccessful attempt to turn our right, leaving three hundred prisoners in our hands, besides many killed and wounded. Veteran re-enforcements are still moving forward to the army, the supplies are abundant and their general condition pronounced entirely satisfactory…..


The excitement of the times has prevented any just statement of the work now being done for the wounded men at Fredericksburg, Belleplain and Washington. The system of organized relief, however, has been in successful operation from the day of the first battle, and thousands of sufferers bear witness to its thoughtful and practical humanity.

When the news of the first days fighting in the “Wilderness” came to Washington a large corps of trained and skilled men, with abundant supplies of all necessary things, which the Sanitary Commission had accumulated, started to meet the train of the wounded from the battlefield. Sixty men and a hundred and forty tons of supplies arrived at belle Plain on Tuesday night. here there work begun, and is continued without cessation or rest.

We have a letter, not intended to be printed, written by a gentleman who accompanied the expedition from which we take the liberty to copy the following:

“I was wounded on the first and second day’s fight, had been sent on, and lay about everywhere savoring the barges and grouped about on the ground in all directions. With lanterns we went among them, giving the weary suffering creatures hot coffee and crackers. Some of them had not eaten for two days. Tired stragglers were constantly coming in during the night, some of them terribly wounded, and yet they had managed to crawl or hobble twenty or thirty miles. As I talked to them the hours flew away, and a red dawn lighted up a scene I shall never forget. Along the road that wound up the steep hills and followed the ridges of them far away came trains of heavy six mule army wagons, shining white against the sky, loaded with wounded men. it seemed an endless procession, and as it moved on and on, it was wonderful to see the patience of the pinched suffering faces, and the gratitude for the poor gift of food.”

While some were on duty here, others were sent out upon the road with haversacks and canteens to encourage such as had fallen by the way from exhaustion or wounds. The next day forty or fifty wagons were sent on to Fredericksburg, loaded with supplies, the attendants accompanied them on foot. The roads were horrible, and the wounded men who were carried over them suffering intensely; but arrived at their destination they found immediate if not adequate relief. The town was full of wounded men, lying on floors in hundreds of buildings. Eight tons of hay were sent down to make them beds. The town was districted, and the work of systematic distribution and care was at once begun. There was no loss of time, no ill directed labor. There was ice in abundance. Twenty tons of it were found in the place. Every man has his attendant; and there are others to go out upon the road and meet the wounded who are coming in with brandy, fruit and suitable food to nourish them on the way. When their first necessities are provided for the army medical department removes them as fast as possible to Washington. The commission is of course only supplementary to the government, taking the wounded soldier where the surgeon has necessarily to leave him, and furnishing indispensable supplies which the government could not keep on hand. We copy from the New York Evening Post the following reference to the central operations of the commission---

“There was at the central depot of the sanitary commission in Washington, before Grant crossed the Rapidan, a corps of fifty skilled and trained men used to the care of the wounded, experienced in cooking, handling the wounded, and in all the services which position in the field suggests for making the helpless comfortable. This is the field corps, its members are paid, an are under military discipline. They form a nucleus around which is gathered a larger group of volunteer attendants and agents, ladies and gentlemen who serve at their own expense and who come only at the call of the commission. At the central depot, of course, larges supplies of suitable clothing and food are stored.

Two items, thirty thousand woolen shirts and a ton of condensed milk will give the reader some idea of the extent of these stores; while the following items, picked hastily and at random from an inventory now before us will show the great variety of articles needed: hay for bedding, oakum for wounds, stockings, shirts, drawers, trousers, chip hats, pillows for the head and the stumps of limbs, slings of various sizes, paper, envelopes, pencils sponges, ring pads for wounds, towels, brooms, buckets, bed-pans, crutches, drinking cups, matches, tobacco,, pipes, liquers of different kinds,, oranges and lemons, soft bread, spoons, oatmeal, corn starch, farina, dishes of different kinds,, tents, bedticks, shoes, slippers, beafsteak,, blackberry cordial, canned fruits and vegetables, dried fruits, pickled onions and cabbages, lanterns and candles, soap, canes, fans. We have selected from the long list only a part of the articles, such part as is most suggestive of the various wants of the helpless and maimed sufferers.

The Christian commission, also occupied with the Christian work, has been promptly in the field with its agents and supplies. Testament accumulates as to the timely help and blessings it has conferred.. The field is large and the harvest is not nearly gathered. there is room for all who will come. whatever work for this cause sincerely cannot well work things. the duty is plain, and the way marked.

The Massachusetts Thirty- Fourth.---

The 34th Massachusetts regiment in the recent disastrous fight under Gen. Sigel gained new credit for the state. The general remarked to some of the wounded men that he had never seen so good a regiment.. Gen. Stahl says their conduct was “magnificent.” Not one in six escaped being hit in some way during the hot fire in which they were exposed. It is gratifying, even in defeat, that Massachusetts maintains her honor.---Boston Journal.

A Patriot.---Among the brave heroes who have yielded up their lives upon the country’s altar in the recent battles of Gen. Butlers army was Henry Goulding, 2d of Co. A. 25th Mass. regiment, of this city. He was killed near City Point Va., May 11, by a piece of shell which struck him on the left shoulder, passing through his vitals. A letter from a member of his company says “We were all lying flat on the ground, the rebels shelling us all the time, and we did not notice that Henry was dead for nearly four hours. We were all terribly exhausted, having been under fire forty eight hours, and many of us were sleeping as we supposed he was until someone noticed he did not breathe.”

He went to sleep on earth and awoke in heaven. Having buried his wife, he enlisted about three years ago as a private and went with the 25th regiment. His term of service having nearly expired, he had re enlisted for three years more, and while at home recently with the regiment on a furlough he buried his little daughter………………………….the articles, displaying rare taste and ingenuity, and sent home to his friends as keepsakes. On account of his mechanical genius, he had been detailed as armorer during the respite of the regiment. feeling that there must be privates in the army as well as officers he was never ambitious of promotion, but was content to go in the ranks wherever duty called him. He enlisted and re enlisted from principle, and as a good, brave, veteran soldier has fought and died in his county’s cause. He was respected and beloved by his entire regiment, who together with a large circle of friends and relatives here will deeply mourn his loss.

The 25th Regiment.---We publish today a letter from Adjutant McConville giving the list of the loses of the 25th regimen in the battle on the 9th. We expect to soon receive a correct list of the losses in the last battle. A letter from Col Pickett of the 25th regiment, dated the 19th, inst., says “our loses have been terrible, being more than 200 killed, wounded and missing since we have been here., but one officer has been wounded and he slightly.

36th Regiment.---A letter from an officer of the 36th regiment states that Capt. H. L. Fox, and Edwin D. Burgess, son of Alvin T. Burgess, were killed in Sigels battle of Newmarkett. The loss of the regiment was reported at nearly three hundred killed and wounded.

A Worcester County Boy.---A battle field letter mentions the gallantry of private Sherwin of the 57th Mass., who took up an advanced post and from behind a tree annoyed the rebel artillerists. He selected one piece in particular, and drove the rebels from it several times by the skillfulness of his marksmanship, and only left his position when severely wounded in the right arm by a rebel sharpshooter who contrived to outflank him.

Of Col. Bartlett, the Boston Gazette says: “Col. Bartlett of the 57th regiment, wounded during the recent battles in Virginia, is in the city. He received a scalp wound, which is healing, but it will be some time before, he recovers from the fatiguing duties of those terrible days.

Clinton.---Of the men from this town in the recent battles, but few are reported injured.  Two Germans in the 25th regiment are reported among the killed, Frank Muller and ---- Kline. In the 36th Lieut Daniel Wright, Jr., is wounded in the foot, and Wm. J. Coulter of the 15th is said to be slightly wounded in the shoulder.



The most imperative demand is made upon our patriotism and benevolence by the suffering of our wounded soldiers. Their number hourly increasing, is now counted by only tens of thousands. With feverish excitement we hope for further victories from all our great armies in the field, though we know that tens of thousands must thereby fall.

The heat of summer is approaching, and disease as well as bullets must soon strike down thousands of those whom we recently sent from our homes in health and strength. There is now, and there must be for months to come, urgent need for hospital clothing, delicate food and stimulants.  A call is made for lint and bandages. There are none who cannot contribute something of value at a time like this, be it but a rag to bind up a mutilated finger. We know and rejoice that there are efficient organizations in the field assisting the government, but the amount these agencies can accomplish will ever be measured by our activity and liberality

The question is not how much money has been raised for the cause in the cities, for with all that has been done and will be done, much must still remain undone. Lives will be sacrificed that might be saved, and untold misery will exist that might be alleviated by aid which is in our power to give. Not as a favor to our soldiers but as a Christian duty, every community should be at work with zeal unrelaxing as long as we have noble men fighting, suffering and dying for us.

Men and women of Massachusetts, can we not rise to the heights of the occasion? An opportunity is now ours which we hope we shall never possess again. We have no right to sit unconcerned with folded hands enjoying security and ease, while those who have secured us these blessings, our country's defenders, need anything which is ours to bestow. Let our thankfulness to them and our devotion to the cause for which they suffer be manifested by deeds as well as words.

From the crowded hospitals, from the packed transports, from the fields of carnage there comes to us in thundering tones the question what are you at home doing for our men. Before a merciful and just God this question must be answered by each one of us. 

By the following letter from the Secretary of the United States Sanitary Commission, written in anticipation of the battles now transpiring, the necessity of continuous contributions of funds and supplies is made manifest, if we would have that organization continue in the future as in the past its humane and christian work.

U. S. Christian Commission
823 Broadway, New York
April 29, 1864

To The Editor, The Boston Journal:

Dear Sir: In the Journal of the 27th, inst., is an article “The Sanitary and Christian Commissions” in which you remark after a well deserved commendation of the Christian commission and its peculiar work, that, “The Sanitary Commission has now more funds than it can judiciously spend if the war continues a year longer, that its store houses are filled with goods, and its treasury is overflowing.” This statement is very erroneous, and of a character to injure the cause of the United States Sanitary Commission. 

The store houses of the commission are not “filled with goods.” The series of fairs has stressed the flow of sanitary stores to such and extent that the receipts at the store houses of the commission, have for some months been at least fifty per cent less than for a corresponding period of 1863.

Previously to the series of fairs lately held, the Sanitary Commission received about six dollars worth of stores to every dollar in money, and could barely meet the urgent demands of supplies in the field and hospitals by economizing its expenditures, and by very large purchases of such articles as condensed milk, condensed coffee, stimulants and scorbutics, bed clothing, and hospital clothing.

The Sanitary Commission has not received into its treasury all the funds raised by the fairs, more than half has gone into the treasuries of the branch associations, and been expended in the purchase of supplementary stores. If the Sanitary Commission had received all the funds raised by the various fairs it would still be straighted in its means, by the great falling off of supplementary stores. As the flow of supplies into the storehouse has fallen off more than fifty per cent, while the demands upon the commission have everywhere increased, you can readily understand that the necessity of purchasing out of the funds of the commission at the present high prices of everything, not only prevents anything like an “overflowing” treasury, but threatens its rapid exhaustion.

The Sanitary Commission has now existed nearly three years, and attained a large measure of confidence of the public and of the national forces. Its operations reach every column of the army, and meet a corresponding dependence on the part of the soldiers.

If the people are persuaded that the Sanitary Commission has grown rich, and is therefore is in no need of nothing, in less than two months the store houses of the commission will be empty. and its treasury exhausted in the vain attempt to eke out the funds raised by the fairs in the purchase of the supplies of flannel underclothing, dried fruits, blankets, stimulants, ect., ect.

The people all over the country must be stimulated to continue their contributions of stores, or else the victims of the fearful campaigns now pending will fail to receive the full measure of succor and comfort that they have heretofore received. from the homes of the land, through the agency of the United States Sanitary Commission. Let the Christian Commission be sustained in its glorious work, but let it not be by any division of either stores or money for such a purpose from the channels of the United states Sanitary Commission.

Very Respectfully, your obedient servant

J. Foster Jenkins
General Secretary of the United States Sanitary Commission.

The Thirty-Fourth Regiment

A private dispatch to this city announces that Lieut. Walker of the 34th regiment, son of Hon. Amasa Walker of North Brookfield, was killed recently in Sigel’s battle in Shenandoah valley, and his body left on the battlefield. Lieut. Col. Lincoln’s wound was not a serious one. He is a prisoner.

Capt. William R. Bacon of the 34th regiment is among the killed in the late battles. He was son of Hon. Peter Bacon of this city, who has lost one other son in the war, and still has a third, Capt. Henry Bacon of the 34th.

Northboro.---Milo Hildreth, Esq. left May 15th as a delegate for six weeks of the Christian Commission to the Army of the Potomac. He goes to aid the suffering soldiers wounded in the recent battles.

Milford.---Grenville W. Fogg, an officer in the United States Navy, and a son of Mr. David Fogg was buried in Garland Me., May 8, 1864 with Masonic honors. The ceremonies were performed by R. W. Lewis Barker, assisted by the brethren of Paceitic Lodge. Brother Fogg was a most worthy and exemplar member of Montgomery lodge, Mt. Lebanon Chapter and Milford Commandery at Milford Mass., where he has resided for several years. He died on ship board several months since, and like an ancient Grand Master, has been three times buried, first at Port Royal South Carolina, second at Philadelphia, and lately in the beautiful and quiet cemetery in his native town. An appropriate sermon was delivered by Rev. P. B. Thayer of Garland, assisted in the services by Rev. Mr. Reed.

From Dr. Hitchcock.---Letters have been received from Dr, Hitchcock, dated Belle Plain, May 12, stating that on the 6th Capt. Levi Lawrence received a buckshot wound in the neck; Lieut Chas, Barker, a bullet wound in the thigh; James F. Bartlett, head and shoulder; Michael O’Donnell, breast, severe; Wm. Syke, leg, severe; Aaron Wilkins, elbow; Henry A. Wilkins, hip; Edwin A. Flagg, bowels; Daniel Kelty, left on the field; whether wounded or a prisoner is unknown; Henry Fuller and Chas Babbit were wounded and missing.

Thirty men of 57th regiment under the command of Lieut. A. O. Hitchcock were guarding cattle on the day of the fight. Only 300 of the 57th were fit for duty on the 7th. Dr. Hitchcock also writes that Lieut. Joseph A. Marshall of the 36th has gone to Washington wounded in the thigh. Corp. A. F. Wetherbee was at Bedel-ain, sick with the mumps, and Henry W. Butters, with sunstroke. On Wednesday night the ambulance train from Fredericksburg, on which were Capt. Lawrence and Lieut. Barker, was fired into and robbed of forty two horses by guerillas, several of the wounded received additional wounds from the fiends.

Dr. Hitchcock adds that “we have from 25,000 to 30,000 wounded on our hands. The suffering is terrible for want of system and scarcity of nurses and doctors.”---Fitchburg Reveile.

We learn from other sources that Wm. Caldwell of Co. H, 57th regiment and Lieut. Chas E. Upton of the 25th both of Fitchburg, are killed.

Later from the Battle-fields

War Department, Washington D. C. May 17, 9 P. M. To Maj, Gen, Dix

……no reports of any operations have been received fom the Army of the Potomac today…..

Edwin M. Stanton, Sec’y of War


Washington, May 18, 11:15 A. M.-To Maj. Gen. Dix, New York. We have no reports of operations since (our) last dispatch. The last information from Gen. Grant was that roads had greatly improved. Large re-enforcements had reached him, and he designed to move against the enemy without delay.

It is the design of the government to keep up the national forces until the rebellion is overthrown, and in order to provide for any important reduction when the service of the hundred days men goes out, a draft to fill up their places, and all other reductions will be ordered to take place on the 1st of July, by which time the new enrollments will be completed. No order is yet issued.

(signed) Edwin M. Stanton,
Secretary of War


War Department, Washington, May 18, 10;45 p. M.

to Maj. Gen. Dix.- We have no dispatches today from Gen Grant nor from Gens Butler or Sherman. The reports from Kanawha confirm the destruction of the bridge over the New River and the destruction of several miles of railroad track by Gen. Crook’s command, and state that he has fought three battles with Gens. Samuel Jones and H. G. Jenkins, and defeated the rebels, their losses being over 600 killed and 300 prisoners. Gen. Jenkins fell into our hands mortally wounded.

All of our wounded that can be removed from Fredericksburg have reached Washington. The rebel prisoners have been removed from Belle Plain. Visitors from the army of the Potomac represent the troops to be in excellent condition, and reinforcements were rapidly arriving.

Edwin M. Stanton, Sec. of War.

Gen Grants Reinforcements

New York, May 18.-A Fredericksburg correspondent of the Post states that some of Grants reinforcements have already been placed in position, and the strength thus added to our veteran columns must augment the momentum of our next assault on the enemy. Additional reinforcements are still coming in. Five regiments left Belle Plain yesterday and will by tomorrow night, if not before, reach the front.

I learn from a gentleman who had it direct from Secretary Stanton, that 4000 troops have left Washington daily for the past week. Also that the Baltimore and Ohio railroad has been ordered to prepare for transportation for a large number of troops from the west during the next fortnight, and regiments from that quarter have already arrived in Baltimore.  You need not be surprised to learn that Gen. Popes entire force has been transferred from the northwest to Virginia.

The cavalry arm of the service will shortly be strengthened by the arrival of 1500 men from the middle department, and possibly from other sources, it is needless to mention.

Invalid and Disabled Soldiers

Washington, May 18.-A communication was today sent to the house by the secretary of war in response to an inquiry and enclosed a statement from the provost marshal General Fry who says orders from the war department are now in force whereby “those who have been honorably discharged from the military service on account of wounds or disease contracted in the line of duty and who are in consequence unfit for active field service but are still capable of effective garrison duty, are received into the invalid corps. Such men are credit to the quotas of districts. Those men are (transferred?) (by) order and by authority of several houses of congress. A second class of men of a greater degree of disability, having lost a limb and the like, are recruited into the veteran reserve corps by transfer from active regiments, but no order from the war department authorize credit upon any quota.

The 25th regiment.---We publish today a letter from Adjutant McConnville, giving the list of the losses of the 25th regiment in the battle on the 9th. We expect to soon receive a correct list of the losses in the last battle. A letter from Col. Pickett of the 25th dated the 19th inst. says “our losses have been terrible, being more than 200 in killed, wounded, and missing since we have been here. But one officer has been wounded and he slightly.”

Our Killed and Wounded 

Messrs. Alzirus Brown and J. Stuart Brown who have gone to look up to aid the wounded soldiers from this vicinity, reached Washington on Tuesday. The latter, in a letter to us, mentions passing in Baltimore eighteen or twenty hospital cars filled with wounded Vermont soldiers on their way to Philadelphia. The greatest portion of the were wounded in the arms, very many in the elbows.

At Annapolis Junction there were a number of the 56th regiment wounded, among them Capt. Thayer, formerly lieutenant in the 43d. All wounded officers who are able to be moved have been ordered to Annapolis. Among the wounded in Washington is Capt. George W. Riverson of the 82d N. Y. He has an ugly wound near the groin. We make the following extracts from the let

We were introduced by Hon. J. D. Baldwin to Mr. Tufts, agent of the Massachusetts Ladies relief association, on Pennsylvania avenue, and found him and his assistants ready and even anxious to impart all the information possible. Every day lists of all Massachusetts wounded soldiers in hospitals or at other places at this city are as correctly prepared as can be at this office, and kindly furnished to those desiring them.

We send you as correct a list so far as can be had, preparing it from hospital reports and statements of officers. we will forward as often as possible additional particulars. We start on a general tour of the hospitals in this vicinity this afternoon, and friends at home having any “brave soldier boy or relation” here may be assured that every endeavor will be used to comfort or assist them. Anyone knowing of a friend being here whose name possibly might be omitted, if they will send letters to us , in care of Hon. J. D. Baldwin, they will be delivered with pleasure. but as I have to start soon I must close this for the mail.

Major Dexter F. Park has lost an arm. Capt. Gird was shot through the head. Sergeant Souther is safe and has returned to his regiment. private W. H. Wells, a Worcester boy, of the 11th Mass. badly wounded in the knee, goes home on a furlough. We suppose that many of our boys are at Fredericksburg and shall go there as soon as practicable. Doc. Geo. Bates tells us that at one hospital there had been four days amputation, and about three more days would about finish.


Capt. Albert Prince, Co. E, at Annapolis, wounded in knee; 
Capt. G. W. Brown, K, American House, hand and finger gone; 
Capt. James May, I, American House, contusion by shell in head; 
Adjut. Nelson V. Stanton, Annapolis, breast and back; 
Lieut. George S. Simonds, killed; 
Lieut. Henry G. Dudley, wounded, knee; 
Lieut. Amable Beaudry, H, Annapolis, wounded left leg; 
1st. Sergt. Fordyce May, A, wounded, left thigh; 
Sergts Geo. O. Wilder, A, killed; 
Henry Houghton, D, wounded; 
Edward Cudworth, E, Mt. Pleasant, leg; 
Henry J. Ball, E, probably mortal; 
E. M. Newton, F, Harewood hospital, slight; 
O. H. Oakes, D, Judiciary,, left arm; 
J. H. Williams, H. in wrist; 
E. H. Tenner, H. severely; 
Wm. H. Palmer, I, head, probably mortal; 
A. H. Pierre, H, killed; 
---- Simond, K. hand; 
David Mullen, wounded; 
Richard Flaherty, K, arm; 
Corporals R. S. Jewell, A; Benj. Stearns, F; Wm. A. Mellen, F, Harwood hospital, wounded; 
Elliot Robbins, F, right leg; 
J. M. Howe A, killed; 
Geo. S. Williams E, killed; 
N. A. Seaver, H, Lincoln hospital, wounded; 
R. H. Belding, H, Lincoln hospital, wounded; 
A. W. Garside, wounded and missing; 
J. F. Bartlett, killed; 
J. S. Rirpart, G. Harewood hospital, wounded; 
John Nash, I, Campbell hospital, wounded; 
Edson D. Bemis, I, Campbell hospital; 
M. D. Tucker, I, severely; 
James Hart, K, wounded; 
A. M. Jones, K, leg amputated; 
Privates Thomas Collins, B, Columbia hospital, wounded; 
J. Richardson, B, Columbia hospital, wounded; 
J. E. Moore, B. Mt. Pleasant hospital, wounded; 
Orlando Wetherbee, B, Alexandria hospital, severely; 
H. T. Pope, B. reported killed; 
Flavet Leach, B, leg; 
Peter Dawson, C, Lincoln hospital, wounded; 
G. F. Mason, C, Harewood hospital, wounded; 
Peter C. Cane, D, Emory hospital; 
Chas. Lamb, D, wounded; 
Wallace Crawford, thigh; 
Bernard Schmidt, F, killed; 
Felix Sherbernoe, E. killed; 
John Grobe, E, eye, slightly; 
Geo. Shortsleave, E, leg and arm; 
Henry A. Bayer, E, Alexandria hospital debility; 
Thomas Thompson, Judiciary hospital, wounded; 
Melvin B. Roe, E, Lincoln hospital; 
John B. Marcy E. Carver hospital; 
Francis L. Kirby, E, Carver hospital; 
H. L. Lane, F, Harewood hospital; 
W. H. Nichols, F, Harewood hospital; 
Joseph Picot, F, Harewood hospital; 
Jos. Berry, G, in lung; 
R. M. Brainard, G, Harewood hospital; 
Joseph O’Neil, H. Lincoln hospital; 
Alfred Rolle, H, do.; 
John Ryan, H, Emory hospital; 
Frank Ballard, H, Harewood hospital; 
H. W. Dunn, H, Campbell do.; 
W. J. Cole, H, killed; 
James Roach, H, unknown; 
S. W. Russell, H, do.; 
James Pevy, H, do.; 
Daniel Sherwood, I, Finney hospital arm; 
Vernon Negus, I, do., right hand; 
Charles H. Mellen, I, do., left leg; 
Terrence Riley, I, reported killed; 
Robert Swain, I, killed; 
John Smith wounded severely; 
Rob’t Swan, I, Lincoln hospital; 
Thos.Welch, K, Emory (hosp) 
W. A. Tucker, A, leg; 
Wm. Farrell, K, groin; 
Oscar S. Perry, K, wounded; 
James Sullivan, K; Martin McBride, K, killed.


Major W. F. Draper, wounded severe, Amory square hospital; Capt. Harvey, don’t’ know, wounded; Capt. Gettshell, Amory Square; Capt. Bailey, G. killed; Capt. Morse, C, wounded in neck, whereabouts unknown; Lieut. J. A. Marshall, wounded in leg; Lieut. Daniels, reported killed—not certain; Color Sergt Henry Todd, killed; Sergt Freeman, C, killed; 1st Sergt Thomas Haskell, wound in hand; Corp. Joshua Reed, reported killed; Corp. W. H. Merrill, wound in side, Stanton hospital; Corp. Wm. N. Smith, H, wounded; Corp. Littlefield, F, wound in ear; Corp. Thomas Crosby, B, wound in arm; Corp. James Dougherty, B, killed; Corp. John LaMonte, B, wound in hand; Corp. G. W. Paine, wound in hand; Corp. Lucius ----, F. Campbell hospital; Corp. J. F. Haskell, G, Armory Square; Privates H. A. Thompson, A, Lincoln hospital; Richard Easler, A. Columbian hospital; J. H. Robertston, B, Harewood hospital; Obadiah Davis, B, killed; C. M. Wescott, B, killed; W. H. Doyle, B, hip wound; J. H. Haywood, C, Lincoln hospital; Walter Crissold, C, Carver; T. S. Gates, C, Carver; J. W. Bixbe, do.; Jas. Day, D, Fairfax Seminary; J. B. Anderson, F, Campbell hospital; Herbert Kimball, F, wound in cheek; O. Adams, F, wound in leg; J. A. Williams ,G, Finley hospital; J. F. Dadmun, G, Finley hospital; Joseph Pierce, H, Stanton hospital; H. S. Merrill, H, Stanton hospital; E. O. Young, H, severe; F. F. Colburn, H, slight; S. P. Reed, H, severe; George Reed, H, slight; H. Wetherbee, H, slight; J. Henry Pierce, H, sunstroke; S. J. Howell, Columbian hospital.


Sergt Major Murdock at Columbia hospital;

Co. A---Capt. J. W. Sanderson wounded in left leg; Sergt. Wm. H. Wilson killed; Sergt Hopkins, killed; Jesse Walch, Emory hospital; Uriah Bassett, Finley hospital; Asa McRay, Harewood hospital; Jesse Hickey, Campbell hospital; John Swanson, do.; W. R. Walker, Finley hospital; Charles Dudley, do.; A. Eaton, Mount Pleasant hospital; John Freys, knee; H. A. Sawtelle, groin, severe; I. Tulsey, breast; Denis Linder, left arm; Stephen Fausbury, Fredericksburg; John Tully, do.

Company B--- Capt. Joseph W. Gird, killed; Corp Patrick Howe, privates Daniel McCarty, severely wounded; Albert Brigham,, left arm; Benjamin Leonard, hip; ---Black, side; Amasa Bryant, right leg; John Hart, both arms and through breast, severe; Edwin T. Smith, neck and shoulder blade; Albert Bridgeman, left arm; George Thurston, right leg broken; John E. May; Corp. Josiah B. Hall, abdomen, severe; private Robert Clark, sick; G. F. Wood, wounded; W. W. Sawyer, arm, Finley hospital; T. G. Sullivan, foot. Company C.---Capt. C. D. Hollis, missing; Corp. Patrick Gailer, Emory hospital; Corp. John Murray, do.; Corp. Wm. Kyle, do.; Corp. Thomas Ruthledge, do; Privates Edward Sykes, Douglas hospital; Michael Kelly, do; John Huse, Emory hospital; Albert Fales, right arm amputated, left wounded; Joseph Dyeer, three wounds on right side; Corp. George Billings, right thigh; J. Lyons, three wounds right side; John Ray, sprain; John Daley, Fredericksburg; J. Synder, do.; Oliver Forgate, left arm.

Company D.---Lieut. E. S. Dewey, wounded slightly; Sergt. Patrick Gilman, Emory hospital; Sergt. J. B. Clark, do.; Corp. H. C. Malony, Stanton hospital; Corp. Robert McCardy, Emory hospital; Corp. J. B. Kendall, do.; Private Chas. A. Bates, left arm; Sergt. J. Crosby, Fredericksburg hospital; C. E. Morse, Carver hospital; W. E. Parker, hand, Harewood hospital; Patrick Flynn, Mt. Pleasant hospital; J. O. Sullivan, thigh; Martin Kelly, toe; Thomas Long, left side.

Company E.---Corp. Thomas Doherty; Privates Martin Renigan, Lincoln hospital; Asa D. Burleigh, do.; H. H. Paine, Harewood hospital; H. N. Renfield, Armory Square hospital; Nahum Bryant left arm, in city; Robert McCoy, left arm, do.; Oliver Demerets, wrist, do.; Cephas Pasco, severe, do.; Edward Cudworth, leg, city; Geo. W. Cheney, both knees, do.; Corp. F. D. E. Fuller, left leg, Fredericksburg; corp. Martin Finkle, right thigh and leg; corp. A. McCoy, Fredericksburg; Elvin Goslin, Armory Square; Nathan Bryant, left arm, City; D. H. Tallman, thigh; S. S. Smith side; Peter Brew, hand; Thos. Gloucester, sick; Peter Larraby, do.; J. O. Holloston, Fredericksburg; Thomas Timothy, do.

Company F.---Capt. Lawrence, wounded in throat; 1st Lieut. Barker, thigh; Sergt.W. S. Dean, Armory Square hospital; Private O’Donnell, Emory hospital; Daniel Kelly killed; E. M. Derby, killed; John Lawless, slightly; C. W. Babbitt, in arm; Wm. Sdkye, leg; Aaron Wilkins, arm, severe; Henry Wilkins, back; James F. Bartlett, shoulder and hand; Edwin A. Flagg, bowels; --- Lovering, of Worcester, died in hospital at Fredericksburg; Lieut. Harry Fisk, leg; Sergeant A. W. Stevens, hand; A. C. McIntire, head, Mt. Pleasant hospital; F. Pyne, Finley hospital, transfered; Michael O’Donnell, shoulder; Henry A. Wilkins, left thigh; George C. Henry, Fredericksburg; Martin Healy.

Company G.---Corp. G. Fitzgerald, Emory hospital, Corp. J. B. Flemming, head and shoulder; Sergt. T. J. Jordon, bowels; Lieut. H. C. Ward, right side; Lieut. H. B. Fiske, right leg; Private Lewis Maunton, Finley hospital; Michael Maltey, Timothy Lewis; Lorenzo Ketcham, right foot; Luther C. Hawkins, right leg, severely; Frank Smith; Oscar B. Phelps, right leg; W. H. Wortles, Emory; Lieut. H. B. Fiske, wounded in leg, Amory Square hospital; Sergt. George Adams, left leg and breast; Corp. F. F. Rumney, wounded; Cyrus Ramsdell, furloughed; W. F. Flagg, arm and side; J. Morrisay, right leg; Ames Low, throat, severe; C. J. Daley, hand and thigh; C. C. Adams, right arm off; John H. Richardson, sick; Charles M. Brown, right foot; Charles V. Adams, Fredericksburg, T. Sheldon, do.; J. O. Sullivan, do.;

Company H.---Corp. Charles S. Chase, Harewood hospital; Sergt. W. C. Park, do.; Sergt. O. R. Armsworth, Mt. Pleasant; privates W. H. Stockwell, Lincoln hospital; Chas A. Wilson, lost two fingers, Harewood hospital; Jos. Binney, Harewood hospital; Charles Pinkham, arm, not dangerous; Charles Leonard Columbian hospital; Henry Hoyt, do.; Dennis Shurron, right hand; Ed’d Geer, sick; Sergt. W. E. Rebards, wrist, Fredericksburg hospital; Sgts. Bond and Puffer, killed; Corp. Charles Young, do.; Corp. Francis Heald, Fredericksburg; J. S. Williams, Campbell hospital; John Foley, do.; John Connor, do.; E. Smith, killed; ----Ewing, do.; Wm. Colwell, killed; Charles A. Fitts, wounded in both legs; John Hawlew, killed; G. F. Lincoln, Fredericksburg; J. I. Cummings, do.

Company I.---Lieut. J. M. Childs, killed; Lieut. A. W. Cook, sick; Corp. W. A. Oulds, killed; Privates John Grover, hip, severe; Otis E. Guder, back and head; ---- Cullington, wounded; Timothy Cutain, killed; Joseph Fontain, killed; Michael Stanley, killed; Elmer J. Hardy, killed; Sylvester Meyets, killed; Ensign J. Simmons, right arm; Edward Carrol, hand; Joseph White, breast; Patrick Thornton, Emery hospital; O. F. Kurier, Campbell hospital; James McKeever, do.; J. D. Daniels, Douglas hospital, John Brown, Harewood hospital; Daniel Sullivan, Mt. Pleasant hospital, Wm. McGuire, do.; A. LaCrane, do.; Otis C. Wheeler, shot in chest; C. D. Webster, sick; A. H. Hurt, right breast; John Grovere, hip, severe; A. L. Graw, left elbow, badly; Martin Haly, Fredericksburg; L. S. Holmes, do.; Michael Dwyer, do.

Company K.---Privates Mathew Napier, Campbell hospital; Albert C. Wheeler, shot in arm; Wm. M. Caldwell, supposed killed; G. Tyler, sick; Wm. Andrews furloughed; S. H. Sargent, sick; W. R. Moore, Fredericksburg; L. A. Ryan, back.

WASHINGTON, May 19, Thursday P. M.

Editor Spy.---This morning we started on a tour through the hospitals, and this evening finds us after having visited “Harewood” “Columbian” “Mt. Pleasant” and “Carver,” each of which is filled with wounded soldiers, including some from the rebel army. There are more left to visit which we shall do tomorrow, if we have the time, and then attempt to start for Fredericksburg, where there will certainly be work enough to do, from all accounts that reach us. Our attentions have been mostly devoted to Worcester boys, though we would stop and speak a cheering word, or offer assistance, if necessary to those belonging to the old Bay State. That we have cheered the hearts of many of our brave boys( as we informed them as to what object we came and under whose auspices.) their expressions of gratitude and thanks would certainly convince anyone.

We found several who were sadly in need of clothing, others who desired letters written to their friends, many who wished for little delicacies, ect., all of which requests we are happy to say were fulfilled. Many have been neglected, and the statement is not made to disparage those who have them in charge, for they are certainly driven, but from the fact of there being a great deficiency of medical attendants and still it is said there are plenty. Those who are able to be moved are transferred as early as possible to hospitals in Philadelphia and Baltimore, thereby giving room for the hundreds, who arrive daily from Belle Plain and Fredericksburg. One can witness the effects of “grim horrid war”, and the terrible sacrifices that are being made for our country, in every conceivable way. It is hard to see the young men of our country suffering. and dying in such large numbers, then how grand to know we have such men. The “silver lining to the cloud” is to witness the spirit many bear up under their burdens, to hear them assert their willingness to undergo the same risks and trials for the object for which they entered the service.

Some particulars were gained of Capt. Girt, given by a private of Co. B., who was wounded about the same time the captain fell, and are considered reliable as they are corroborated by others since. He (Capt.) fell in the plank road fight near Chancellorsville, and was in front of his company when shot. But a few minute before he wound up his watch as coolly as though he was at home ( which was remarked by several of his men ) and cautioned the men to fire low, keep a good line and not get excited. He was noticed a few moments before he fell, in the front of the line, by Lieut. Steele of Gen. Webb’s staff, who reported the fact to me, and who also stated that the general highly complimented the 57th for the manner in which they behaved. The same old story is told of the Massachusetts regiments, the firmness, bravery courage which they display, and told by officers belonging to other states.

Some persons have come here with the intention of going to the field in search of bodies and to take them home. To benefit friends at home we would state that such privileges are emphatically denied, and attempts would be useless. Col. Samuel Leonard was seen in an ambulance by officers, and was said to be sick, and the report that he was killed or taken prisoner is consequently untrue. We have met a number of persons from different states who are here on the same mission that we are, and we trust all the soldiers will be looked after as they certainly ought to be. Lieut. Col.Chandler of the 57th is spoken of in the highest terms by the men, and was in the thickest of the fight, cheering them on.

Washington, May 21, 1864

Saturday Morning

Dear Spy:---Since writing the last letter we have been buy going from one hospital to another, rendering what assistance and ascertaining all we could about our wounded. To say that it is an easy task must be said by one who has not tried it. There are such constant changes taking place that a man may be reported at a certain hospital to-day and tomorrow transferred to Philadelphia or Baltimore. Then men are found in some wards whose names are not recorded on the register, and are seen by our going from one ward to another making inquiries.

We expected to be on the way to Fredericksburg yesterday, but an order has been issued prohibiting persons going there, unless under the auspices of the Christian or Sanitary Commission, subject to their order, or in case of a father wishing to visit a wounded son, and then to stay for one day or so only. Hundreds have been going out of sheer curiosity, and consequently it was deemed necessary to shut the gate. We intend to take supplies with us in able to go, and think that fact will be a stepping stone to our progress..

Mr. Morse of Worcester returned this morning from Fredericksburg, and reports that our men are scattered about the town, and that there is work enough to do. His son arrived in Washington, and is now at Armory Square hospital severely wounded though not considered dangerously so. The distance from Belle Plain to Fredericksburg is about twelve miles, through a devastated country of poor roads, and one has the privilege of walking unless connected with the government or the commissions. While penning this we learn that no passes are to be granted today, and perhaps not until Monday, and we shall improve that time in going about here to ascertain if any more of our men have arrived. This morning is a “yellow one,” and the great change in temperature effects a northern man immediately. It must come hard for the poor fellows to lie all day in these crowded hospitals, some of which are anything but cool.

An order has been issued respecting wounded soldiers, which in substance is as follows, “All wounded soldiers not fit for duty within 30 days will be furloughed, and others to be ordered to their regiments for duty..” Quite a large number of stragglers have been arrested and will be sent to the front immediately.

Every soldier we have seen speaks in the highest terms of praise of the Sanitary Commission, and the benefits received there from. Men who arrived at Fredericksburg from the front, wounded, fatigued and suffering were speedily assisted, and, as some of them say, “Had it not been for the Sanitary Commission, God knows what would have become of us.” Miss Barton left yesterday with a good supply of articles needed. She is a privileged person, and goes wherever she desires, and the amount of good done by her cannot be told in a short time. Miss Hatch from New York, another of the good Samaritans, and there names will always be spoken with pride by our suffering soldiers. The hour for the opening of the hospitals is at hand, and we leave you to another time, assuring those at home that all that can will be done for our boys by your committee.


Editor Spy--- Enclosed is the list of killed and wounded in the battle of the 9th inst., in front of Petersburg. The list has been carefully revised by the assistant surgeon. It can therefore be depended upon as correct. At the earliest possible moment I will sent you a complete list of the of the killed, wounded and missing in the engagement of the 15th inst. The list is large, larger than the one enclosed, and at present is not complete. Very respectfully

Henry McConville
Adjutant, 25th Mass. Vols.

Co. A, 1st Lieut. M. B. Bessey, contusion of chest, slight; Sergt. T. Merritt Ward, leg, flesh wound; Privates Lyman J. Prentice, groin severe; Augustus Stone, right arm amputated; right leg, slight; Nelson Tiffany, back, severe; Charles A. Knowlton, three fingers amputated right hand; Chas. A. Mayers, leg, slight; James White, leg; James Kirwan, leg, slight.

Co. B.---Private Albert Cook, killed, shot through the head; Chas A. Herton, wounded mortally; James Comee, right arm, flesh wound; Eli G. Ball, scalp, slight.

Co. C.---Privates G. J. Fayweather, forearm, A. L. Bush, left leg.

Co. E.---Sergt. Tim Magerry, killed; privates Ephrain Smith, killed; Edward Donlan, killed; Patrick Burk, wounded through both eyes; Hugh Kenny, through side; Edward Roberts, through leg. Richard Donovan, through leg; Joseph Lightfoot, through shoulder; James Gheagan, through forefinger; James Malley, through hand; Owen Finnegan, through hand; Felix McCann, through hand, slight; Ross McCann, forehead, slight; Ambrose McKenna, through arm, slight; Pete Kenny, arm, slight.

Co. F.---S. A. Rockwood, fractured right arm; privates Milas B. Wait, killed; Hiram Gates, killed, O. W. Brown, left leg, slight.

Co. G.---Privates Frank Miller Killed; Geo. Raucher, head, slight;

Co. H.---1st Lieut. Chas. E. Upton, killed; private J. S. Cook, left hand.

Co. I.---Corp. N. B. Garfield, killed; private Geo. Greenwood, killed; Corp. G. A. Jackson right arm, severe; privates J. H. Orr, killed; Thos. Greenwood, back, severe; Thos. Fallon, back, severe; S. F. Jillson, arm. severe; Corp. F. I. Moore, head, slight; privates L. Hathaway, hip, slight; S. Frost, knee, slight; J. W. Blood, arm, slight.

Co. K.---Corp. Charles Perry, right leg, severe; private A. G. Demond, leg, severe; Corp. A. W. Clark, thigh, severe; Corp. W. A. Collester, killed; privates J. H. Feavreaux, face and finger, slight; S. Preston, leg, slight; sergt. W. J. Bond, neck, breast, contusion; sergt Drury, left arm, contusion; privates A. Stockdale, leg, contusion; H. Bellows, back, contusion; M. A. Davis, left leg, contusion.

1st Lieut. J. M. Drennan, acting quartermaster, Co. F, right leg, contusion.

Total 12 killed, 49 wounded.

Fifteenth Regiment.---The following are the casualties in company C, 15th regiment Mass. Vols, during the present campaign, to May 16th.

Sergeant A. D. Wright, missing; private Peter Dawson, missing; sergeant T. Warden, wounded in leg, severely; privates J. Coates, wounded in leg, slightly; J. Corvan, leg amputated; R. K. Cooper, wounded in arm, slightly; T. R. Kilburn, wounded in arm and side, severely; C. V. Marsh, wounded in arm; J. Mason, finger amputated; A. Smith wounded in leg; H. Reed, wounded in leg and missing.

The following casualties are reported in Co. D. in addition to those already published.

Gleason, Logan. Gibson, and Dawson wounded; Frank Fiske wounded and missing; corp. George W. Farr missing; he was last seen on top of the enemy’s earthworks.

The total loss in three regiment thus far is as follows: Ten killed, 85 wounded, 35 missing.


We have the following in addition to the former list:---

15th Regt.---wounded---Captain Albert Megan, D; L. Werden, C; A. Rockwood, G; Charles Ackerman, A.; John Mullen, K; Samuel Statler, D; Michael Holligan, D; W. J. Knight, K;---all in Washington. Killed --- Sherwood, E.

21st Regt.---wounded---captain J. M. Sheppard, K; C. J. Lawrence, G; C. H. Sherry, C; C. S. knight, G; Henry C. Perkins, G; S. B. Adams, A; S. F. Hale, A; John H. McCarthy, B; Lemuel Whitney; C. E. Skinner, D; C. C. Crosby, D; Amasa Burgess; S. A. Hale, A.

36th Regt.---M. Black, F, hand; L. R. Davis, C; Sergt. E. H. Crosby, B, all in Washington; Geo. W. Birdwell, I; Charles Kelly, C; Corp. H. H. Mayo, B; Julius N. Bellows, F; all buried at Fredericksburg.

57th Regt.---wounded---Dan’l Fling, H; Anthony Joan, B, right hand; A Powers, I, right arm; Jas. P. Brooks, K, left foot; Benj. Coky, E, right hip; F. C. Rice, K, forearm; H. Whitton, K, face; R. Putnam, A, left leg; S. F. Bush, D, both thighs; J. O. Donnelson, A. right arm; Serg. C. N. Hare, H, left leg; Chas. H. Mitchel, K, right arm and body; I. H. Lowell, K, right arm and body; M. Bowen, left foot; J. Horton, D, head and hand; F. Soulie, I, right thigh; L. Daniels, K, abdomen; G. A. Stone, K, left side; W. Sherwin, right arm,---all in Fortress Monroe. H. A. Saute, B; T. G. Jordan, G; C. C. Adams, G; Geo. Adams, G; T. Sheehan, G; W. F. Richards, H; Geo. Billings, C; A. A. Hunt, I; E. A. Flagg, F; O. E. Wheeler, I; A. Brigham B; E. H. Smith, B; J. A. Hart, B; Wm. Skye, F; D. H. Talman, E; W. F. Flagg, G; T. G. Sullivan, B; S. S. Smith, E; J. C. Sullivan, D; J. Morrissey, G. Capt. F. D. Fuller, E; M. E. Finkle, D; C. W. Babbitt, F; C. J. Dailey, G; O. W. Stevens, F; H. A. Wilkins, F; Geo. A. Henry, F; A. E. Ellis, C; L. Fletcher, G; C. W. Faulk, G; G. W. Cheeny, F; John Davis, A; John Fregean, A; A. Bryant, A; L. C. Hawkins, G; T. Higgins, A; P. Gogt, A; B. Vaughn, A; J. Crow, I; ---all in Fredericksburg.

A. E. Brill, I; sergeant Patrick Fox, H; corporal Oliver Frosgate, C; Thos. L. Geary, A; John Daley, C; James Lowe, G; Martin Haley, I; L. Holmes, I; Benjamin O. Leonard, B; C. J. Dailey, G; G. T. Lincoln, H; Peter Bro, E; corporal Francis D. Fuller, F; corporal Francis Heard, B; sergeant John Crosby, D; Porter C. Wheeler, I; Alva A. Hunt, I; Edwin A. Flagg, F; John Daily, G; George C. Henry, F; Albion McIntire, F; Alden W. Steven, F; Martin Finkle, D; John C. Sullivan, G; John Morrisey, G; corporal A. McCoy, E; corporal J. B. Hall, B; Thomas Long, D; Peter Larraber, E; L. Commons, H; Stephen Fausbery, A; Richard Everett, E; George A. Bartlett, F; John Fregrow, A; William A. Hart, B; Adrian H. Smith, B; John Freleans, B; R. W. Hawkins, G; William R. Walker, A, hand; Charles Dudley, A, left hand; William Andrews A, finger off, all in Washington; E. A. Oakes, D; Samuel L. Lovering, H; Lieutenant Wyman J. Dyoung, C;---all buried on Wilderness battlefield.


Sharp Engagement with Ewell’s Corps


War Department, Washington, May 20, 6:30 P. M.-
This afternoon we have dispatches dated at half past eight this morning from Gen. Grant. Last evening an effort was made by Ewell’s corps to turn our right. They were promptly repulsed by Birney’s and Tyler’s divisions, and some of Warren’s troops on the extreme right. About 300 prisoners fell into our hands, besides many killed and wounded. Our loss foots up about 600 wounded and 150 killed and missing. Gen. Grant says that probably our killed and missing are over rated.

Over 25,000 veteran reinforcements have been sent to Grant. Grant. The general condition of the army and his contemplated operations are satisfactory. The supplies of the army are abundant.

Under instructions of this department to Col. Schriver, commanding at Fredericksburg and vicinity, nine persons are in custody who have been suspected to have been engaged with Mayor Slaughter. The Mayor had made his escape before the intelligence reached Fredericksburg, and the wounded and sick who cannot be transported overland will be brought here on water transports…….

Edwin Stanton, Sec. of War.

War Department, Washington, May 22.-To Maj. Gen. Dix:
On Friday evening Gen. Grant commenced a movement for the purpose of compelling Lee to abandon his position at Spottsylvania, the details of which for obvious reasons should not be made public. It has thus far progressed successfully.

Longstreet’s corps started south at one o’clock Friday night, an hour and a half after Hancock moved. Ewell’s corps followed Longstreet. The indications are that the rebel army has fallen back beyond North Anna river. Hoke’s division has joined Lee. The movement of Gen. Grant has thus far been completed without any severe engagement or serious interruption. We now occupy Gurney’s Station, Milford Station, and the mouth of the Mattapony……..

Edward M. Stanton, Secretary of War.

War Department, Washington, May 23.-To Maj. Gen. Dix:
………………….We have no official reports since my last telegrams from Gen. Grant or Gen. Butler. Official reports to this department show that within eight days after the great battle of Spottsylvania Court House, many thousand veteran troops had been forwarded to Gen. Grant.. The whole army has been amply supplied with full rations of subsistence.

Upwards of 20,000 sick and wounded have been transported from the field of battle to the Washington hospitals and placed under surgical care. Over 8000 prisoners have been transported from the field to prison depots, and a large amount of artillery pieces and other trophies of battle brought away. Seven thousand fresh cavalry horses have been forwarded to the army, and the grand army of the Potomac is now full as strong in numbers and better equipped and supplied than when the campaign opened.

Several thousand reinforcements have been sent to the army’s in the field, and ample supplies to all. During the same time over 30,000 volunteers for 100 days have mustered into the service, clothed , armed and equipped and transported to their respective positions. This statement is due to the chief of the army staff and bureau and their respective corps, to whom the credit belongs.

Edwin M. Stanton
Secretary of War


The Sanitary Commission are doing everything for our sick and wounded at Fredericksburg and prove a valuable auxiliary to the medical department. It is useless for people who have friends in the field to come to the front now to procure their bodies, as the request is denied in all cases. All the dead are carefully buried and their names are placed on boards over their graves, so that their friends can find them after the army has advanced.

Washington. May 21.-The wounded from the fight Thursday afternoon were sent to Fredericksburg during the day. The loss was much heavier than at first supposed, about 1100, over a 100 of whom were sent to Washington. A large number of wounded rebels were brought into our hospitals and cared for, some of whom afterwards died. The rebel loss is estimated at 1250 in killed and wounded, besides about 450 prisoners, who were sent to Washington last night.

Sixty citizens of Fredericksburg have been arrested and will be sent to Washington today, and will be held as hostages for the sixty of our wounded taken by them and sent to Richmond.

Washington, May 21.-Gen. Meade has issued an order complimenting Gen. Tyler’s division and Kirk’s brigade for their gallantry in the skirmishes on Thursday. There was no fighting on Friday.

New York, May 22---The Heralds Fortress Monroe correspondent says squads of rebel prisoners are arriving here. They are a hard looking set, and all appear to think that this will be the concluding campaign of the war. Not a few express the hope that Grant and Butler will hurry up and get the fight over before they are exchanged. Sheridan has left Haxalls Landing and will be heard from soon.

The Heralds correspondent, near Spottsylvania Court House, 10 A. M. says our troops were moving all night to new positions. This morning the general headquarters are broken up, and nearly the whole army are in motion. Precisely where our next halting place will be time alone can determined. The general expectation is that we shall have some hard fighting immediately.

Another correspondent says of the fight on Thursday night in which the raw heavy artillery acted so handsomely, our loss was but half the number originally stated. Rebel deserters say their loss was double ours., and represent the enemy as very chagrined at their failure to turn our right.

The 9th corps now occupies a position in advance of two lines of works held by the enemy a few days since, so that our progress, if slow, is at least sure and steady.


Special Correspondent of the New York Evening ___
Fredericksburg Va. May 17, 1864

A brief description of some of the localities which are just now mentioned in every dispatch from the Virginia battlefields may help your readers to a more perfect understanding in the future, of events in that quarter. First, then, as to


Belle Plain is simply a landing near the mouth of Potomac creek, within sight of the Potomac river improvised by the government for army emergencies. There is not a single house within a mile of the landing, and the wharf is a rude rough affair, affording only the poorest facilities for landing troops or supplies.

At this point all Gen. Grants supplies are received by transports from Washington, and are sent hence in wagons, to the front, over twenty miles away. Immediately back of the landing a range of hills stretches away to the east in abrupt precipitous angles, with deep ravines ribbing their sides, through which roads have been constructed along which the immense trains climb with difficult effort, often overturning, sometime braking down utterly. Upon the summit of the hills are thick growths of low timber, while the slopes are strewn with patches of thicket, mostly pines and scrub oak.

The place is inexpressibly wild and desolate,, and yet it was here we found, a few days ago, ten thousand wounded men lying helpless in the mud, with no shelter but what the thickets afforded. Since then tents have been erected along the hills and on the brush lands beyond the ridge in which the wounded are well cared for, both nurses and supplies.

The scene in the offing from Belle Plain is one of life an animation, wheezing, puffing------- without ending, steamers and gunboats lie at anchor half a mile away in the Potomac, receiving loads of wounded or unloading supplies or hospital stores; now and then a transport crowded to the waters edge with fresh troops, all cheering or singing battle songs, or heavily laden with horses and artillery, steams through the fleet and glides to the landing, while occasionally an ironclad thrusts its omnivorous, turtle shaped presence into the harbor, and keeps a fatherly watch over the brood of wooden craft.

Added to all this you see flatboats darting here and there, mostly propelled by the strong arms of muscular negroes, the boats carrying officers too and fro, or hurrying with dispatches to the little boats employed by the government to carry intelligence. This is what you see at Belle Plain, as busy, bustling, populous a city, considering it has neither houses, streets nor citizens, as any you will find out of Virginia.


Fredericksburg lives on the Rappahannock river, nine miles from Belle Plain., with which it is connected by two main roads, and just now by a score or so of avenues constructed for existing emergencies. The country all the way between these points is stripped entirely bare of fence, stock and products of whatever description; and in the entire distance I do not remember to have seen more than six houses. The country is rolling and uneven with deep ravines and wooded hights; there is not anywhere in all that region a space of half mile of level ground.

Between the plain and Fredericksburg, a breadth of half mile or so has been swept entirely clear of trees, and is now pierced by roads, roads running in all manner of tortuous, winding angles, looking at a distance like so many great white serpents winding in a reckless tangle over the bald, hills, roads with three or four tracts running abreast, and roads so narrow, steep, and one sided as to be almost impassable for a single team. It is over these roads that out immense trains make their way, and thousands of wounded also, at risk of life and limb have been principally transferred from Belle Plain. The main road is strongly guarded with strong pickets at every important point, but strong gangs of guerrillas, have, nevertheless, managed to make one or two successful dashes, capturing a few mules, and frightening some tired pedestrians.

The population of Fredericksburg was formerly about six thousand, at this time there are only two or three families remaining in this place. Immediately in back of the town are the celebrated heights which Burnside so valiantly attacked and about which the fortifications created by the rebels still extend. The railroad bridge over the Rappahannock is still broken down although passage of the river is now effected and additional pontoons passed through here, does that mean that there are streams beyond our present position that Grant’s men have to cross!


The “Wilderness” in which the first battle of the present campaign was fought, embraces fifteen miles of timberland, thickly wooded with undergrowth making it at some points utterly impassible. During the battles our men were often unable to see objects twenty five feet distant from them. Of course operations under such circumstances were attended with the greatest disadvantage, especially as the enemy knew every nook and hiding place, while our soldiers in loading and firing necessarily exposed themselves above the underbrush to a great extent. than would be necessary had they been at acquainted with the ground. The “Wilderness’ is located twelve to fifteen miles from Fredericksburg.

The road from this point to Gen. Grant’s present position was formerly a planked causeway, but the planks have been broken by our artillery, the throughfare is now in worse condition, if possible, than that uniting Fredericksburg and Belle Plain.

The Campaign in Virginia
Battles between Burnside and Hill
from the Philadelphia Inquirer

Before Spottsylvania Court House, May 13.---The engagement between Burnside’s corps and the force of the rebel general A. P. Hill, was one of the severest of the present movement. It commenced at early daylight, being brought on by the advance on our part, and continued without intermission for six hours.

Gen. Burnside’s command lay across the pike leading from Fredericksburg to Spottsylvania Court House, at a distance of from two to three miles from the latter place. His left extended a short distance east of the road. His advance was made simultaneously with that of Gen. Hancock, thus making a heavy concerted attack upon the enemy’s right wing., which covers Spottsylvania Court House on the north, and covers also the road running through that town, which forms the rebel line of retreat.

The glorious success of Gen. Hancock in driving the enemy fro two lines of breastworks, and making valuable captures, has already been published. Gen. Burnside was less fortunate in his first part of the attack, for (although he moved early) he found the enemy throughly on the alert, and considerably over a mile in front of their earth line of breastworks. the intervening country is extremely broken, hilly and densely covered with timber, chiefly small pines, whose branches matting together, renders it almost impossible for a man to walk erect through them.

Through the Wilderness, difficult to penetrate at best, the rebels had dug small detached rifle pits at every favorable point, from which they fired with deadly effect as we advanced; but in spite of their advantages, they were steadily pushed back, driven from their advance positions, and compelled to take refuge in their main line of entrenchments.

So severe had been the fighting in the woods the enemy contesting every foot of ground as they receded, that it was not deemed advisable to attack them in their fortifications, and accordingly fighting ceased for several hours. But in the afternoon the attack was resumed. The line of battle was formed with Porter’s 2d division on the right, Crittenden’s 1st division in the center, and Wilcox’s 3d division on the left. Our advance met with a warm reception from the enemy, who had also been preparing for an attack and would have soon taken the initiative.

After advancing some distance under a heavy fire, a brigade of rebels, who had previously been placed in position, opened suddenly on the left flank of Gen. Wilcox’s division, composes of troops of Col. Hartrant’s brigade. Three regiments on the left, the 17th Michigan, 51st Pennsylvania and 109th New York, were thrown into some confusion, being attacked in front and on the flank at the same moment. A flanking brigade of rebels demanded their surrender, but the demand was not acceded to, and an extremely hard hand to hand conflict ensued, our men bravely holding their position for a time, and defending their colors. About three hundred men from the 17th Michigan and 51st Pennsylvania were however ultimately made prisoners, including Lieut. Col. Chas. N. Swift of the 17th Michigan.

The three regiments above mentioned were forced to fall back, but the 17th Michigan, or rather what was left of it, had, however, to bring off the field more than their own number of prisoners, including Col. Barbour of the 5th North Carolina, who was in command of the brigade on their flank. The remainder of the line stood firmly at the point where the flank attack was first made, and on the right a New Hampshire regiment of Col. Griffin’s brigade, Potter’s division actually entered the enemy entrenchments, but being unsupported on right and left, they were compelled to return.

On the left the enemy, encouraged by the repulse of the three regiments already spoken of, rushed on in eager pursuit, but were suddenly checked on emerging from the woods into an open field by finding themselves literally mown down by a tempest of grape and cannister, from two or three batteries planted in line and nearly together on the opposite side of the field. They retreated in confusion, leaving their dead and wounded lying in heaps upon the ground and the edge of the woods

The portion of our line which had given way was then brought up, and although it was not possible to resume the attack on the rebel fortifications with any prospect of success, we held our ground up to the farthest point attained, and gained advantage of a considerable better position than had previously occupied. The losses of the enemy corps in this engagement must have been nearly if not quite three thousand. Colonel Hartrant’s brigade alone lost seven hundred and fifty, including three hundred prisoners, and the loss of Gen Wilcox’s entire division is stated at fifteen hundred.

Gen. Potter’s division lost about eight hundred, of whom six hundred were wounded. The loss in gen. Crittenden’s division was probably about the same. wee sustained in this fight little or no loss in general or field officers, except the capture of Lieut. Col. Swift, being in this particular much more fortunate than in most of the other contests of the present campaign.

From the New York Tribune
Gen. Hancock and His captured Generals
Headquarters Army of the Potomac, 
Near Spottsylvania Court House, Friday Afternoon, May13, 1864

This afternoon everything along our lines is unusually quiet, except for an occasional shot from our skirmishers along our center. A part of the rebel army was retired last night in order, it is believed to fall into another position. Our center lines are still maintained and our right and left wings are advancing.

Rain fell all day yesterday, and today the roads are in an unfavorable condition for military movements. Hancock’s movement yesterday is the theme of conversation everywhere in the army, and the charge made by his corps as the most successful and brilliant of the war. The ground over which the memorable charge was made ascends in some points abruptly to the forks occupied yesterday morning by the enemy, and is mostly covered with a thick growth of pines and underbrush.

But two rebel generals were captured, Maj. Gen. Edward Johnson, and Brig. Gen. Stewart. Gen. Johnson when captured exhibited great emotion, shedding tears freely, and asserting that he preferred death to capture. When received into our lines Major General Hancock with his characteristic urbanity and consideration advanced to his prisoners, at the same time extending his hand, which was accepted by the rebel general.

On pleasantly accosting Stewart, whom he had formerly known, with “How are you Stewart ?” the latter replied arrogantly. “Sir, I am General Stewart, and under the circumstances refuse to take your hand.” “Sir,” replied Hancock, “Under any other circumstances I should not have offered you my hand.”

General Hancock immediately sent Johnson to Gen. Meade’s headquarters in his private carriage, properly pointing his highness brig. gen. Stewart, C. S. A., to exercise his pedal extremities in walking through the mud and rain to headquarters. Brig. Gen. Johnson of Ewell’s corps is reported killed by rebel prisoners. Rebel prisoners say that on Wednesday Lee issued an order to his troops announcing a complete victory over grant, and saying that the latter would, with his army, soon be retreating across the Rapidan.

Another rain storm is threatened, and active movements will probably be postponed today. Our captures since the first battles in the Wilderness are 8000 prisoners, 20 colors, and 18 pieces of artillery. The army has been fighting daily for nine days, but still the confidence of the troops in Gen. Grant is as unwavering as ever. Every one believes Lee’s army is destined to be among things that were.


Surgeon General Dale has received from Gardner Tufts, Esq., a list of wounded soldiers belonging to the 7th, 10th, 12th, 15th, 16th, 36th, 56th and 58th Mass. regiments who were at the date of the report at Fredericksburg, Va.., and a list of killed, from which we obtain the following:

15th Regt. Lieut. J. B. Simmonds, F; sergeant George O. Wilder, A; sergt. A. H. Pierce, G; corp. J. F. Bartlett, H; corp. J. M. Hoar, A; corp. George S. Williams, E; privates Berward Schmidt, E; Felix Serbernoe, E; Wm. J Cole, H; Morton McBride, K; Robert Swaine, I.

36th Regt.---Captain Bailey, G; corporal James Doughty, B; Obadiah Dervis, B; color sergeant Henry Todd, B; C. M. Wescott; orderly sergeant Bailey, C; sergeant Freeman, C.

57th Regt.---Capt. J. W. Girt, B; Lieut. J. M. Childs, I; sergeant Hopkins, A; sergeant W. H. Wilson, A; corporal Wm. A. Oulds, I; Wm. M. Caldwell, missing, supposed killed; Daniel Keltz, F; E. M. Derby, F; Timothy Curtin, I; Joseph Fortani, L; Michael Stanley, I; E. J. Hardy, I; Sylvester Mears, I.

We have also the following compiled from various sources.

15th Regiment.---killed---Lieut. J. B. Simmonds, sergeants W. H. Palmer, J. C. Wilder, and H. J. Ball. Wounded---1st Lieut. A Beaudry, H, leg; Adjt. W. V. Stanton, shoulder; Capt. Prince, E, knee; Capts. Jas. May, head, slight; J. W. Brown, hand, finger amputated; Lieut. Dudley, knee; Sergts Simons, hand, Richard Flaherty, arm; A. E. Tennor, severe; W. J. H. Williams, wrist; Houghton and Fordy wrist; Corporals James Hart; R. H. Belding; N. A. Seaver; Edson Bemis; W. M. Tucker, seven times; Hart and A. M. Jones lost legs; privates Jas. Sullivan; O. S. Perry; George Palmer; head; Daniel Sherwood; Henry W. Dunn; Joseph O’Niel; Jas Roxch; John Ryan; G. W. Russell; Alfred Reolle; Jas. Kerry; Chas. Lamb; Jno. Grape, slight; George Shortsleave, leg amputated; W. A. Tucker, leg; Wm. Farel, groin; F. Pointers, sick; Wallace Crawford, D; Thomas Webb, K; Peter C. Coan, D; Jerimiah Sullivan, K. Missing---Corporal A. W. Garside; privates T. Reilly and Robert Swain; Lieut. Stanton, Lieut Brady, C. A. Rockwood, G.

21st regt.---wounded---Samuel Spry, B; Amasa Burges, E; sergeant Charles C. Crosby, D; Charles f. Merentjoe, D; George F. Wheeler, I; C. J. Lawrence, G; C. H. Sperry, B; Sydney B. Burgess, B, sick.

25th regt.---Casualties in Co. A:---Lieut. M. B. Bessey, breast, slight; Sergt. T. M. Ward, leg; L. I. Prentice, groin, bad; Augustus Stone, right arm amputated and right leg wounded; Nelson Tiffany, back, bad; Charles Knowlton, right hand, three fingers; Charles A. Mayer, leg, slight; James White, leg, slight; James Kirwan, both legs slight. twenty-seven men were engaged, of which the above nine were injured. C. F. Fenny, K, leg; E. D. Moon, K, sunstruck; O. Finnegan, K, hand; J. J. Ghagen, E, hand; A. Rockwood, F, gunshot; E. Roberts, E, leg; G. B. Marcy, K, sunstruck; G. Pouscher, G, gunshot; J. Cournee, B, arm; James Malley, E, hand; O. Brown, F, leg; L. Batchlelder, B, sunstruck; J. Lightfoot, G, shoulder; S. F. Tillson, I, arm; J. W. Bleves, A, arm; George Fayerweather, C, gunshot; S. H. Preston, K, thigh; H. Kenney, E, sunstroke; J. Rainston, I, arm; J. H. Devoix, B, side; A. G. Diamond, K, leg; W. D. Knox, D, sunstroke; B. D. Thayer, D, sunstroke; W. Carson, A, sunstroke; J. L. Cook, H, left side; G. A. Jackson, arm; H. K. Sampson I, sunstroke; James Wesson, A, sunstroke; A. W. Clark, K, thigh; P. Burke, E, face; corporal Collester of Worcester, killed; Augustus Stone A, arm amputated; Lieut. M. B. Bessey, breast; sergeant Ward, arm; Henry Golding, A, killed; Charles Morton, I; Jacob Shaffer, K; John T. Coulterns, A; John I. Mevess, G; J. G. Hayden Jr., D; Thomas Finchon, H; James J. P. Davis, C; L. Wesley, D; Robert Cotersell, B; Wm. H. Aldrich, E; Mortin D. Robbins, D; Michael Leonard, D; Thomas Fallon, I; Thomas E. Greenwood, --: Charles Tearney, K; D. Dole, Edwin A. Moody; C; George Allen, G; Elson W. Clark, K; Robert C. Wells, B.

56th Regt.---killed--- ----Carter, D. Childs, M. Daniels, C. Hatter, A. J. Morgan, Corp. Nourse, Corp. Rich, Sergt. Todd, ---Westcott. wounded--- T. Jackson, S. D. Thrasher, Capt J. F. Thayer; J. H. Day, G; Corp. John F. Haskell, G; Corp. T. R. Reeman, K; Sergt. John A. Fisher, K, right thigh; Edward Chamberlain,K, right hand; F. G. Parsons, K, right hand; Andrew A. Fletcher, G, wrist; John S. Emmerson, G, right arm; Julius N. Bellows, died of wounds in hospital; John S. Crossman, I; Joseph Eaton, K; S. D. Shrasher, D; corporal William D. Smit, H; Myron Daniels, killed in first days fight; lieutenant Daniels, killed just at night in the skirmish line a week later; 1st sergt. A. F. Bailey; sergt. Geo. E. Freeman; corporal F. T. Merrett, and F. Laughton of company C, killed; capt. E. A. Morse, wounded in neck; lost 22 of a company of 31. Corporal H. H. May, H, killed; S. P. reed, H, killed; L. R. Davis, C, wounded.

57th Regiment---Capt. Hollis, C, missing; Charles Barker, F, wounded; Wm. M. Caldwell, missing, supposed killed; Daniel Kelly, L, killed; F. M. Derby, L, killed. Wounded---Jno. Lawless, L, thigh; C. W. Babbit, L, arm; Wm. Dyke, I, leg; Aaron Wilkins, L, arm, severe; Michael O’Donnell, L, shoulder; Henry Wilkins, L, back; Jos. Bartlett, L, shoulder and head; Edwin A. Flag, L, bowels; Levering of Worcester, died in hospital; Lieut. Harry Fisk, leg; Daniel McCarty, D, severe; Albert Brigham, B, left arm; Benj. Leonard, hip and side; Chas. A. Bates, D, left arm; Sergt. Hopkins, A, killed; Otis E. Wheeler, I, chest, severe; W. S. Dunn, F; ---- Black, B; G. Fitzgerald, G; M. O’Donnell, F; John Murphy, C; Thomas Doherty, C; H. M. Konfield, E; John McDowell, F; Samuel A. Lovering; A. Oakes, J. D. Young, Charles F. Everette, killed. Wounded.---Lieutenant Childs, missing instead of wounded; Lieutenant A. W. Cook, sick; Lieut. Dewey, wounded; Lieut. Ward, wounded in arm; Captain Sanderson, buckshot in leg; H. A. Sawtell, A; P. Culliton, J; T. J. Jordan, G; C. C. Adams, G; Geo. Adams, G; T. Sheehan, G; D. H. Tolman, E; W. H. Flagg, G; T. G. Sullivan, B; S. S. Smith, E; J. C. Sullivan, D; J. Fenissey, G; James Lowe, G; Oliver Demerit, E; John Tully, A; J. Synder; W. E. Richards, H; George Billings, C; A. A. Hunt, I; E. A. Flagg, F; O. E. Wheeler, I; sergeant J. Crosby, D; Geo. Thurston, B; A. Brigham, B; E. H. Smith, B; J. A. Hart, B; Wm. Syke, F; Capt. F. D. Fuller, E; M. E. Finkle, D; C. W. Babbit, F; C. J. Daily, D; O. W. Stevens, F; H. A. Wilkins, F; Geo. A. Henry, F; A. F. Ellis, C; L. Fletcher, G; C. W. Fraulk, G; G. W. Chesney, E; John Davis, A; John Fregean A; A. A. Bryant, A; L. C. Hawkins, C; J. Liversy, J; J. Huse, Geo. F. Wood, Anthony Hayton, A, lost two fingers; John MacNamara, E, sick; Daniel Sullivan, I, right hand; Adolphus Legreve, I, left arm, Charles S. Leonard died of wounds in Washington on 18th.

The Wounded at Fredericksburg

A correspondent of the New York Tribune writing from Fredericksburg May 15th says` This train of wounded is heavy with mud, the mules and harness are hid with mud. It has come twelve miles over such roads as war alone makes. In places the larger wagons had to be pried out of the deep holes with trimmed trees. The delays of the entire train for this cause were frequent and long.

The depth of the holes, and the instinct and habit of the lead and middle team of mules to trot away with a wagon in a sudden descent, to escape the whipple trees, inflicted upon the unfortunate wounded, blows and jars excruciatingly torturing, and that wastes their remaining vitality. Over every rod of the way and in the best twin horse ambulances, a jarring motion was communicated by the absence of half the planks on the plank side of the road, and the ruts and holes cut into the clay side during the weeks rain by the transportation machinery of an army of a hundred thousand men.

On such a highway, and in such a manner, did these poor fellows, who stretch their hand(s) out of these ambulances and army wagons for tincupfulls of water, painfully travel, some with arms off at the shoulder, some with legs off above the knee, some absolutely with an arm and leg both off, hundreds shot through the arm or leg or breast, some with the horrible wounds of the face, even to the loss of the jaw and the destruction of speech, all presenting in the aggregate every possible variety of gun shot wound.

Where are not these wounded? In yards where pumps are, they get water and sit on the earth and moisten their bandages and cool their burnings. In all the many wooden tenements vacated by the bombardment and afterwards stripped of doors, windows and weather boarding up to the second story, they are to be seen sitting and having the appearance of waiting, either in weariness or expectation or uncertainty; making no parade of naked arms bloodily bandaged, and of bloody bandages shown through great holes slit with knifves through their trousers, and left unpinned to let in cool water and cool air, and of black bandaged hands and feet taking on a glossy crust outside the cloths, the measure of the length of neglect.

On every sidewalk pass you strengthening a wounded and bandaged leg as they go, with a pole on which they lean their whole weight, and as it were propel themselves. They sit bandaged on door steps. Bandaged and muddy and weary, with only canteens of water beside them.. They sir on curb stones in every street. Every where men in federal blue, and with some mark of blood and battle upon them, walk slowly with canes freshly cut in the woods , and inquire for corps hospitals.

Every church in the city is a hospital, and every one is full. Outside of each are wounded soldiers ready to take the places of those who die within or are sent to Belle Plain. Every public building is a hospital and is full. All the large dwelling houses are hospitals. In small house all over the city our wounded are to be found. The warehouses, large and free in the lower story, especially built for the great trade in agricultural manures, are occupied by soldiers lying in rows, upon muddy and bloody blankets, and nurses go up and down the alleys of these maimed or helpless ones with pails of ice-water. Their only talk is of the great battle. those that don’t talk give no sign that they are not veterans and equal to any fate that the championship of freedom may bring. In their silence is visible a courage which wounds cannot subdue, And all these are the victims of slavery.

In a guano warehouse a magnificent veteran, leaning against the wall with his blouse on to protect him from the cold of the bricks, whose left sleeve and shoulder were thrown back so as to relieve the stump of his amputated arm from their weight, beckoned me to him. “I have not ate in three days. When will rations be served to us? I flew across the street to the sanitary commission rooms, and repeated the pitiable statement, and asked for food. “Our supplies are wholly exhausted,” said the attendant. “We have literally nothing here but empty boxes.”

Where the wounded in the city got their food that night god only knows. Where bandages were got to dress their wounds I know not. If there were any hospital supplies here whatever I do not know. I do know that in the great Baptist church hospital, under Frank H. Hamilton’s care, the was nothing, literally nothing. And if a surgeon as distinguished as he; with a title won by years of professional service in the field, to the highest personal influence; with his experience in getting things as a corps medical director, if he was destitute, it is fair to presume that every hospital here was destitute. I know he was without bandages, lint, medicines, and stimulants, and I saw one of his nurses, a young and beautiful girl from New Hampshire go to more than one secesh And beg in vain for old sheets and pillow cases; and I heard her express a purpose to go to the military gov. of Fredericksburg and beg him to order a raid on the she dragons left on guard here by their fugitive rebel husbands. Of the destitution of utensils and conveniences for the care of the helplessly sick in these hospitals it is unnecessary to speak. Every imagination will supply for itself the details of nameless horror and suffering that ensued upon this want.

The music of a cavalry band floats in the evening air from the heart of the city. It is the sublime and sustaining “Old Hundred ?” When I reached the place a crowd of bandaged soldiers surrounded the players. They sat upon the steps of a church at the corners of Princess and George streets. It was a hospital. Large public buildings occupied the other three corners. Each was a hospital. The band next played a waltz, and upon the very center of its voluptuously swelling waves of concord, appeared the inexorable stretcher, black with the blood of its repeated freight. Weary looking men bore through the crowd some desperately wounded, bore them somewhere. And men of the sanitary and of the christian commission followed them. All honor to these organizations. The nation owes them an eternal debt of eternal gratitude. I am a witness to testify that for four days a considerable portion of this army of injured soldiers, would have starved, and gone without succor or care, if it had not been for the resources and devotion of these organizations.

The New Nation and the Boston Courier are both satisfied that Gen. Grant was completely repulsed at Spottsylvania Court house. Some folks are nothing if not critical.

Ingenious Nomenclatures

Just below the line of Spottsylvania county the Mattapony river divides into four branches, each of which takes for its name a portion of that of the main stream, thus the most southern is called the Mat, the next, the Ta, the third, the Po, and the most northerly the Ny and when united they constitute the Ma tapony, pronounced with the accent on the last syllable and the y sounding like E. All of these names are to be hereafter historical, for on their banks have been fought the greatest battle of modern times, and gained the most triumphant victory that has yet been achieved by our gallant army.--- Boston Transcript



15th Massachusetts VI